Saturday, August 11, 2007

Any Different Types Of Diabetes

joke asks questions can not as a joke

prosecutor fraud checks by 40 cents

Münster (AP) Police and prosecutors in Münster (Nordrhein-Westfalen) must deal with a fraud indicator by 40 cents and a conundrum on television. A man had called in Thursday night on a TV quiz show to answer the question, "how much milk to ten oxen in ten minutes if five oxen give in five minutes, five liters of milk?", The police reported on Friday .

He felt cheated because he was told on the phone that it was just a trick question since they involve ox give no milk. The man had, however, the mathematical problem solved by the three.

addition, he had been surrounded, instead of on the show 50 cents per call 90 cents . Fork out So much for both fraud allegations smile in the offices provided, must now both police and prosecutors investigate two allegations.

Aha, a trick question, since oxen give no milk. Who would have thought. :-) But if five oxen would give in five minutes, five liters .....
would give ten oxen in ten minutes twenty liters of milk.

But this is just a joke, because yes oxen give no milk, but only spread anger.